Car horoscope for the week from September 25 to October 1


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  1. Auto horoscope from September 25 to October 1
    • Aries
    • calf
    • Twins
    • Cancer
    • a lion
    • Virgo
    • Libra
    • Scorpio
    • Sagittarius
    • Capricorn
    • Aquarius
    • Fish

So September ends, and the situation on the roads does not change, at least this autumn week everything is as usual. Traffic cops sleep peacefully at their posts, drivers quietly pull one after another, and only pedestrians, like madmen, rush along the side of the road, competing in speed. With bipeds, by the way, everything is clear - they celebrate the international day of tourism. Among the guys loaded with backpacks, there are also late old summer residents. Grandmothers merge with the crowd, but you can tell the difference - not fishing rods and tents stick out from the bags, but bright orange pumpkins. We carefully look into the mirrors and do not anger the pensioners, otherwise they will charge them with a pumpkin, no car service will cope with the breakdown.

Auto horoscope from September 25 to October 1


Aries, you will have tons of driving pleasure this fall week. The iron horse famously overcomes cork obstacles, calmly bypasses traffic police posts and merrily emerges from hopeless puddles - everyone would have such cars, in general there would be beauty. But when you rush along the night roads, keep your eyes open - car thieves do not sleep and are just waiting for you to stop in nature and decide to gaze at the starry sky. And during the day on the tracks it is not at all clear what - some people in the costumes of Spider-Man and Mickey Mouse wander everywhere. The stars found out what was the matter - the guys decided to celebrate the American day of the comics, so they dressed up, who in what way.


Taurus, someone dreams of an endless hot summer, some are waiting, they will not wait for the winter-winter, and you can ride well on autumn days. The machine decorates the face with bright multi-colored leaves, beautiful pieces of dirt adhere to the wheels every now and then, and you don’t need to call in at the sink, it’s like the rains have charged. When you get up in another traffic jam, look into the interiors of neighboring cars - everyone reads as one: "How the steel was tempered", and clatter their tongues with delight. But what can I say, even the traffic cops decided to celebrate Ostrovsky's birthday and hung his photographs on all posts (or maybe they think this is a composite sketch and are trying to find the great writer among the drivers?).


Gemini, steer gently, and the machine will not let you down - in late September and early October, the iron horse is surprisingly obedient. It also takes care of you - then the window will close by itself, if a cold breeze blows, then the brake will press by itself, if a gape newcomer on wheels appears in front of you. Maybe you can talk to your favorite car - let him carry wherever you say, while you take a nap. But there is an easier way out - ask your passengers to steer, otherwise they are completely worn out from boredom. On weekends, put the car in a warm garage and jump into comfortable sneakers - celebrate the All-Russian Walking Day, why sit at home in vain.


Cancers, the engine is always under stress, and, alas, nothing can be done about it. There are, of course, excellent engine oils in the markets - don't skimp on the health of your car and get a healthy lubricant. Moreover, many roads are expected in these autumn days, and the machine will simply get tired. By the way, if you see a dog sitting on the asphalt, near which it is written in chalk: ".ru", do not be surprised - some active user decided to celebrate the Internet Day in Russia. If only they didn’t write anything next to the poor dog, otherwise some site would open up right on the track, you wouldn’t go around and go around, you would have to read and discuss the topic with the rest of the traffic participants.

A lion

Lions, the smoothness of the ride is, of course, great, but on these autumn days your faithful iron horse prefers to move along the road in jerks. Probably, you offended her with something, maybe you didn't add enough engine oil or you bought gasoline at the wrong gas station. Go to a quiet, cozy place and have an educational conversation - the machine is an obedient creature and will definitely fulfill your conditions. By the way, how old is your four-wheeled girlfriend? After all, at the end of this week, the international day of the elderly is celebrated, and, perhaps, the car considers itself old and also wants to celebrate this event in the circle of the same second-hand comrades?


Virgo, your four-wheeled horse does not like the tightness of city streets - go where there is no asphalt and boring traffic jams. And even if there is a bump on a bump and a hole in a hole, the car will be in its element, and you will also like it. In principle, the road situation during these autumn days will be good, but the guys on the way will meet different ones. Now a nervous traffic cop, now a harmful pedestrian, now a brooding driver. The car closely follows the track with all its headlights - look how merrily its flashlight eyes shine. If you come across a smart passenger, don't interrupt - preschool workers' day is celebrated during the week, and talking about kids won't hurt you. And the car loves such conversations - do you hear how tenderly it purred?


Scales, an eternal chanson is heard from the speakers, from the street you can hear the abuse of drivers and the screeching of especially nervous pedestrians, and you calmly sit in a comfortable driver's seat and do not blow your mustache. Of course, it's warm in the cabin, and even autumn flies don't bite, and a bag of fresh buns is waiting in the glove compartment. Enjoy a treat in another traffic jam, but do not crush it on the seats - your iron horse does not have a sweet tooth, and even the smell of baking does not digest. You can give a lift to some pretty old woman, suddenly she will share a radish with you, at the same time celebrate the Corniglia folk holiday, on which it is customary to eat this healthy and tasty vegetable.


Scorpios, you are on the right track and this road week could be called ideal. This is what your smart car thinks, and it's useless to argue with it. A cheerful iron horse rushes through the fog and wind, not noticing rain and rare snowflakes (yes, yes, this phenomenon is already observed in some areas). But if on September days everything goes wonderfully, then at the beginning of October you will have to get nervous. Everywhere there is a smell of fish - the day of the fisherman seems to be long gone. But the stars figured it out - the day of herring happened in Finland, and our lovers of this delicacy decided to join the holiday and spread delicious herring everywhere (and how can we resist?).


Sagittarius, who is evil on the outside and affectionate on the inside? Well, of course, this is a traffic cop - menacing and angry in appearance, but start negotiating, so the very courtesy and politeness. Fortunately, on these autumn days you will not have to communicate with the patrol guys, because the iron horse has a real nose for DPS nicknames, or whatever they are called (the stars cannot remember in any way). By the way, do not be surprised if you meet peasants with guns on the road. Surely, these are the guys from the nearby villages decided to hunt and celebrate the people's day of Artamon Serpentine. On this September holiday, you need to get some kind of animal. Park your car and go to work as conductors - you will definitely catch a couple of birds with one stone.


Capricorns, as you know, do not choose relatives, and this autumn week the saying also applies to cars - it seems that the road fate itself brought you together with a four-wheeled iron friend. You don't even need a steering wheel, just manage to command, and the wheels themselves will move in the right direction. Still, there were no neighbors on the highways (oh, these neighbors, there is no peace from them at home, or on the roads, even though they don't turn on the drill while driving, and that's a joy). If the traffic cops stop you, say hello to them in Portuguese - they will suddenly understand.Indeed, at the end of September, the day of languages ​​is celebrated, and drivers can express themselves as they please, even on Lincos (this language was invented for communicating with aliens).


Aquarians, there are no comments on the noise of the engine, there are no complaints about the level of comfort either - the road angels give the go-ahead and advise you to go on a long journey. Your four-wheeled friend will gladly whip you away wherever you want, so long as you don't put talkative fellow travelers into the cabin. Well, the machine does not like empty conversations, it would have smart conversations about the meaning of life and the universal order. By the way, speaking of order - there is a real chaos near the traffic police posts, so try to go around them as far as possible. It is also better not to enter the woods - the people celebrate the Exaltation, and on this September day the goblin inspects his possessions (your car does not want to meet this creature).


Pisces, you are good-natured drivers, but do not forgive those who behave insolently - remember the license plates of the reckless drivers and call boldly where you should. There is no concept of snitching on the roads, so everything is fine. Although there are few “wrong drivers” on the highways on these autumn days, basically everyone drives carefully, enjoying the view of yellow trees and gray shiny asphalt. If you notice a strange traffic cop who takes off his shoes and knocks his boot on the hood of a police officer UAZ, do not twist your finger - the boy celebrates the day on which Khrushchev was elected first secretary. The event happened 64 years ago - ask your well-read typewriter if you don't believe it.

Cool car fun:
