Car horoscope for the week from January 28 to February 3


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  1. Auto horoscope from January 28 to February 3
    • Aries
    • calf
    • Twins
    • Cancer
    • a lion
    • Virgo
    • Libra
    • Scorpio
    • Sagittarius
    • Capricorn
    • Aquarius
    • Fish

We buckle up, push together on the pedals and race from January to February - wow, a stormy week awaits us! Forecasters scare, the guys from the Ministry of Emergency Situations scare and only pedestrians still wander with sad faces and grumble at the utilities. It would be better if they learned the rules, otherwise they strive to slip through a red light or think about life in the middle of a zebra. And only trams can resist the treachery of winter roads - well, nothing takes them, and no one is afraid of them. Even when the electricity is turned off, the iron hulks calmly stand on the rails, and the passengers cheerfully look out the windows and wave mittens - probably, they celebrate the World Day of the Unemployed (yes, there is such a holiday).

Auto horoscope from January 28 to February 3


Aries, somewhere they ride a dog sled, somewhere they move exclusively on their own two feet, but the drivers of your sign are sure that there is nothing better than jumping into a car and rushing at a speed of one hundred (or even one hundred and fifty) off-road. The iron horse loves to ride and hates to get stuck in traffic jams - but alas, the number of congestions will increase on these winter days. The drivers of all the wheelbarrows decided to celebrate the birthday of the diesel engine. Rudolph Diesel invented this useful contraption over a hundred years ago. But you don't have to choose between gasoline and diesel fuel - what is cheaper is in demand. And your car is ready to ride even at idle - if only you were driving.


Taurus, in this winter period, everyone's eyes shine - from drivers, and from patrol guys, and from pedestrians. But what can I say, even the headlights of the wheelbarrows glow with joy, and a song about vodka and herring is heard from the receivers. It's understandable, because everyone is celebrating the birthday of Russian vodka (let's say thanks to Uncle Mendeleev). But the holiday falls on Thursday, so be patient until the weekend. Although, some two-legged are already celebrating - get out, stagger and try to count the stripes on the zebra. Remind especially high-spirited pedestrians of Peter the Great, who founded the Medal for Drunkenness. This "order" weighed as much as 8 kg. And don't forget to go to the store for new covers or refresh the insides of the car - indulge the car.


Gemini, the traffic cop is waving his trembling hand to you, and a pedestrian is dashingly running along the zebra, and the horse is dragging you merrily up the hill, and there is a new turn ahead. And what is behind this turn, no one knows. Maybe another traffic jam or a sluggish driver who thinks that the cars that followed have dreamed of driving at a speed of 30 km per hour all their life. And you can't overtake a harmful uncle - there are prohibitory signs and cameras everywhere. Well, okay, where is the hurry? Stop at the nearest cafe and celebrate Groundhog Day. If only it didn't work out like in the famous film - waking up every time on February 2 is somehow uninteresting. And there the marmot looks out of the mink, and for some reason he is wearing a cap (and holding a striped stick with his paws).


Cancers, you can't accelerate here, because traffic jams are everywhere, and everyone dreams of fast driving, but cameras are watching us again and again. And you can turn around and go around the post, but we choose a difficult path - this is not just a song, this is the beginning of a new anthem for chauffeurs. But you will come up with a continuation later, but for now, check if everything is in order with your iron horse, shake out the covers and warm up the interior - you will have to travel a lot on these winter days. If you meet transparent pedestrians or traffic cops in white robes, do not be alarmed - people celebrate the Day of Faith in Ghosts. And there is the ghost of a utility company - the stars do not want to offend anyone, but judging by the quality of the roads, utility services are a mirage or an illusion.

A lion

Lions, did you know that a one kilometer path can be covered in 6 hours ?! The star drivers did not confuse anything and just got out of the city traffic jam, it is not necessary to specify the name of the city. But such adventures do not threaten you, because in these January and February days, the drivers of your sign will be drawn to rural roads. And there you can see one wheelbarrow for the whole day, and that is not a wheelbarrow, but a tractor, at the wheel of which sits a cheerful red-faced uncle in a sheepskin coat and sings songs. But be vigilant, otherwise you will listen and do not notice how the guys in New Year's costumes jump out of the bushes and begin to lead a round dance around the iron horse. These are Frosts and Snow Maidens, and they celebrate their holiday.


Virgins, a car with a thieves' license plate has just rushed past the traffic cops - oh, I would have slowed down, but I don't want to get involved. How many times have you been stopped this week ?! They will also stop you, but don't worry so much - maybe the patrol wants to talk about life or talk about the weather. But just in case, do not violate the speed limit, respect pedestrians, fasten passengers personally. Otherwise, give free rein to fellow travelers, so they will climb up onto the seats and pretend that they do not know about seat belts. By the way, what kind of smell remained after them - did you really give a lift to the guys who celebrated the Day of the Triple Cologne (the stars did not even know that this thing is still being sold)?


Scales, what is it flashing there - is it really running out of gasoline or the machine is giving light signals ?! In general, do not test the road fortune in this winter period and drive to the nearest gas station: treat the car with gasoline and pour coffee fuel into yourself, otherwise the path will be difficult and long. And give a ride to the guys who lined up near the curb on the first day of February. The guys forgot how to walk - these are elevators celebrating their professional holiday. It is clear why they need to move on foot - they ride the elevators all day and do not know grief. If only in the car they did not start to press all the buttons out of habit, give them a book with the rules, let them have fun.


Scorpions, bumps and bumps on the roads, lawlessness on the roads again, oh, patrol, please, no need to fine drivers in winter. Indeed, the situation on the highways leaves much to be desired, and it is simply ugly to charge drivers for minor violations. And you did not violate anything at all - I wonder why my uncle is waving a wand, maybe he got lost or his phone sat down and you urgently need to call the replacement ?! Slow down, where to go, suddenly the traffic cop needs your help. By the way, the stars are advised to kick the horse out of the stall and put things in order - at the same time celebrate the Day of rearrangement in the garage. And finally, hand over the non-ferrous metal - well, it will not be useful to you, and you cannot assemble a miracle motorcycle from these "necessary" pieces.


Sagittarius, stars accidentally looked into your trunk - and why do you need a broken pump and all sorts of useless parts that have been lying under a tarp for years ?! In general, conduct an audit - and it will be easier to drive, and the machine will be satisfied. Maybe from these pieces of iron it will be possible to build a brazier. But this is all lyrics, and now let's return to our so-called roads - a lot of travel is expected on these winter days, meetings with representatives of road services are not excluded (yes, yes, we are talking about traffic cops). And do not pass by respectable guys with suitcases - these are jewelers, and they celebrate their professional holiday. What if they pay off with a diamond ring or gilded the wipers ?!


Capricorns, saving on driving is pointless, so refuel with normal gasoline, undergo a full examination and drive about your business. And you have a carriage to do this winter week, and even a small cart. And find out about insurance innovations - something has been cleared up there again, clocked, even star racers cannot figure it out.And try not to give a lift to angry passengers - at the beginning of February the guys celebrate the Day without Nicotine, so they break off at all. In addition, your iron horse hates the smell of tobacco and will not roll smokers (the car even tries to go around the cigarette butts on the road - and you thought that the car was fidgeting because of the slippery track).


Aquarians, the patrol hid in the bushes and it became boring at the posts - do not accelerate, this is another trick of the traffic cops, and you are again hidden by a hidden camera. You can follow the advice of some chauffeurs and throw some heavy stuff into the trunk so that it doesn't drift (but the stars say it's better to refrain from such extremes and just follow the rules). And go around the protesters - they are too far apart, shouting "Dear Russians" and running around with portraits of Yeltsin. Well, of course, everyone remembers the first president, who was born in early February. Your iron horse is far from politics, although he certainly knows who Boris Nikolayevich is.


Fish, road stress is on the decline, and these winter days the situation on the tracks will be more or less stable. But the chauffeurs of your sign never relax - everything is correct, you just gape, you will get a fine or you will listen to "compliments" from pedestrians. The stars generally want to give medals for courage to all drivers. By the way, do not try to overtake the uncle, who has brazenly settled in front - look, what, he thinks, got into an expensive Jeep, and there will be no control over him. There will be, only it will not be you - literally a kilometer later, a post is expected and the dashing driver will definitely be slowed down. And you go to the garage and congratulate the car on the Day of your best friend - after all, the iron horse is really the best.

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