TOP 7 unusual homemade cars


The content of the article:

  • Legomobile
  • Bugatti from cigarette packs
  • Plywood and cardboard machine
  • Cane car
  • Limousine based on the "Volga"
  • Bamboo car
  • Scrapped mercedes

Many car enthusiasts love to create cars with their own hands. Of course, a car that came off the assembly line is reliability, thoughtfulness of design, but ... there is no such mechanism that would be beyond the power of those who are truly passionate about the automotive world. And often the desire to design your own car gives rise to really unusual finds and solutions.


Two Australian guys have created the world's first full-size driveable car, almost entirely consisting of Lego parts.

Steve Sammartino, an online entrepreneur and market expert, and Raul Oaida, a 20-year-old student from Romania, say that the yellow-and-black car they created in Melbourne consists of almost half a million Lego parts.

Even when creating the air motor, Lego elements were used. The creators were dissatisfied, perhaps, only with the quality of car seats.

“Perhaps these are the most uncomfortable seats in the history of car making,” laughs Raul Oaida.
“The only non-Lego elements are the suspension and wheels,” Sammartino says. - All mechanical parts are Lego. Oaida is a genius. He did all the design work, designed the engine and the car itself.

On tests, the car developed a speed of up to 32 km / h. The creators did not increase the speed, fearing that Lego would not withstand the load.

The project cost almost $ 60,000. The car was going to Romania. According to the creators, the most difficult thing was to transport it to Australia. On the way, sudden temperature changes caused damage to the car. In Australia, the car was restored, and now its creators ride a lego car through the streets of Melbourne.

The creators of the legomobile are not going to develop their idea further. According to the designers, their goal was to demonstrate design capabilities.

Bugatti from cigarette packs

This unusual homemade car is the size of the original Bugatti Veyron. It weighs no more than three hundred kilograms, but at the same time it is quite capable of driving on its own.

The car was built by five Chinese students. It took 10,280 cigarette packs to build the car. The author and project manager, 22-year-old Sun Yonggang, said that these packs were collected and delivered to him by 2,500 students.

The car was assembled right in the university dormitory. The project leader was assisted by four neighbors in the student dormitory.

For the first time, the machine was demonstrated at the University of Xi'an, at the Faculty of Computer Science and Electronics, where it literally made a splash among teachers and students.

The creators of the car say that they created such an unusual vehicle in order to combat bad habits and promote a healthy lifestyle. Actually, the whole project began with the students agreeing to quit the addiction of smoking.

In a car, only the engine, gearbox, suspension and brakes are made of metal. Everything else is made from empty cigarette packs.

Plywood and cardboard machine

This car was created for presentation at the Eco-Design Award competition from Shell. The purpose of the competition is to collect new environmentally friendly technologies and technical solutions for the automotive industry.

The authors of the design are students of the University of Aston. The main advantage of the machine is its environmental friendliness. Moreover, it attracts the possibility of easy replacement of any part that has become unusable.

The machine is powered by a hydrogen fuel engine. By itself, it is cheap, it is economical in operation. The car won the competition, the conditions of which were that the presented cars had to drive as far as possible, provided that the same amount of fuel was used.

Cane car

In Nigeria, a car is not only a means of transportation, but, alas, a luxury. Consequently, even an old rusted car continues to drive, as they say, "to the last."

In the city of Ibadan, reed weaver Ojo Obania has ennobled his old pickup truck. Instead of crafting boxes, boxes, and mats, he braided dried reeds around his car. And he approached the issue creatively: Even the rims of the wheels, the dashboard, the mirrors and the steering wheel of the car are covered with reeds.

The car began to attract many onlookers on the streets of the city. Actually, the master achieved this: not only is the unassuming rusted body now hidden under the excellent reed weaving, it also contributes to the development of Ojo's business, visually advertising the quality of his work.

In all fairness, it is worth noting that the idea of ​​braiding a car with reeds is not new. In the USA, they have already done this with the old MG Midget car. But the American car was not on the move, and Ojo's car drives around the streets of the Nigerian city without any problems.

Limousine based on the "Volga"

Russia has always had enough skilled auto mechanics. For example, in the Tyumen region, a “domestic limousine” is being sold - a car with eight seats. The length of the vehicle is six and a half meters, that is, the original Volga was increased by 1.66 meters in length.

The model is economical, it is quite possible to drive it every day. The foreman made all the necessary changes in the TCP, the car passed the technical inspection.

An amateur mechanic says that he continues to constantly refine his brainchild. Now anyone can buy it for 330 thousand rubles, but over time, the cost of this limousine (which, by the way, has a natural leather interior) will grow.

Bamboo car

Colombian sculptor Jose Mauricio Prado created a car that is almost entirely composed of bamboo stalks. Unfortunately, Jose Mauricio gives an interview very reluctantly, emphasizing that the main thing is the car itself, and not the opinion of others about it. The car drives through the streets of the city of Bogota, attracting the attention of tourists.

It should be noted that bamboo is considered by car companies to be a good material for making cars. This material grows at a tremendous rate - up to one meter per day. At the same time, in terms of their strength, bamboo stems may well compete with a number of metal alloys.

Over the past years, Ford experts have been actively researching the use of bamboo in the automotive industry. Research results show that the use of bamboo is often more profitable and more practical than the use of plastic and other synthetics. The material retains its structure even when heated to one hundred degrees Celsius.

Scrapped mercedes

Finally, homemade cars aren't just made by hobbyists. Specialists working in the company Giganten Aus Stahl (Germany) are engaged in the creation of replicas of famous cars. For example, at the Frankfurt Motor Show, they presented an exact replica of the Mercedes-Benz 300SL Gullwing.

True, such a car cannot move, but for collectors-lovers of steam-punk it is quite a worthy purchase. Such a car is not cheap: 96 thousand American dollars is the price for which it is quite possible to buy a full-fledged car. But collectors have their own quirks ...


Since there are cars in the world, there will be self-taught auto mechanics who will not get tired of working on their developments. Sometimes their creations are useless, sometimes they are funny, but it happens that the finds of such "Kulibins" can serve as an impetus for the further evolution of road transport.
